Icom IC-2720H – A Versatile Dual-Band Mobile Transceiver for Amateur Radio Enthusiasts

Icom ic 2720h

The Icom IC 2720H is a versatile and powerful dual-band mobile transceiver that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. Whether you’re a seasoned ham radio operator or just starting out, this radio has something to offer.

One of the standout features of the IC 2720H is its dual-band functionality, allowing you to operate on both the 2-meter and 70-centimeter bands. This gives you access to a wide range of frequencies and allows for greater flexibility in your communications. Whether you’re chatting with friends on a local repeater or making long-distance contacts, this radio has you covered.

In addition to its dual-band capabilities, the IC 2720H also offers a range of other features that make it a top choice for amateur radio enthusiasts. With 50 watts of power output, you can be confident that your signal will be heard loud and clear. The radio also includes a built-in voice synthesizer, which can announce the frequency, mode, and other settings to help you keep track of your settings while on the go.

Dual Band Operation

The Icom IC 2720H is a versatile mobile transceiver that offers dual band operation, allowing users to communicate on both VHF and UHF frequencies. This feature is especially useful for amateur radio operators who need to access different frequency bands for various purposes.

With dual band operation, users can easily switch between VHF and UHF frequencies, depending on their communication needs. This flexibility allows for greater convenience and efficiency in radio communication.

The Icom IC 2720H offers a wide frequency coverage, making it suitable for a variety of applications. It covers the 144-148 MHz and 430-450 MHz bands, providing access to a wide range of frequencies for communication.

Whether you need to communicate with other amateur radio operators, participate in local repeater systems, or monitor public safety channels, the Icom IC 2720H’s dual band operation ensures that you can easily access the appropriate frequencies.

In addition to its dual band operation, the Icom IC 2720H also offers cross-band repeat capability. This means that it can receive a signal on one band and simultaneously transmit it on another band. This feature is particularly useful for extending the range of communication and improving signal coverage.

For example, if you are communicating with a repeater on the VHF band, but your intended recipient is on the UHF band, the Icom IC 2720H can receive the signal on the VHF band and transmit it on the UHF band, ensuring that your message reaches its intended destination.

The Icom IC 2720H’s dual band operation and cross-band repeat capability make it a powerful and versatile mobile transceiver for amateur radio operators. Whether you need to communicate on VHF or UHF frequencies, this radio has you covered.

Wide Frequency Coverage

Wide Frequency Coverage

The Icom IC 2720H offers a wide frequency coverage, allowing you to communicate on various bands. It operates on both the VHF and UHF bands, giving you access to a wide range of frequencies. This makes it a versatile radio that can be used for various purposes, such as amateur radio, emergency communication, and more.

With its wide frequency coverage, the IC 2720H allows you to tune into different frequencies and communicate with other radio users. Whether you are participating in a local ham radio net or monitoring emergency channels, this radio has you covered.

Not only does the IC 2720H cover a wide range of frequencies, but it also has cross-band repeat capability. This means that it can receive a signal on one band and transmit it on another, making it even more versatile. This feature is especially useful for those who need to extend the range of their communication or for emergency situations where a relay station is needed.

Whether you are a ham radio operator, a first responder, or simply someone who wants to stay connected in case of an emergency, the wide frequency coverage of the Icom IC 2720H is a valuable feature. It allows you to communicate on different bands and ensures that you can always stay connected, no matter the situation.

Cross-Band Repeat Capability

The Icom IC 2720H is equipped with a unique feature called Cross-Band Repeat Capability. This feature allows the radio to receive a signal on one band and simultaneously transmit it on another band. This capability is particularly useful in situations where there is a need to extend the communication range or overcome obstacles that may block the signal.

With the Cross-Band Repeat Capability, users can easily communicate with other radio operators who are using different frequency bands. For example, if one operator is using the VHF band and another operator is using the UHF band, they can still communicate with each other by utilizing the cross-band repeat function of the IC 2720H.

This feature is especially beneficial in emergency situations where communication is crucial. In search and rescue operations, for instance, it allows operators to relay important information across different bands, ensuring that everyone involved in the operation stays connected and informed.

How does it work?

The Cross-Band Repeat Capability of the IC 2720H works by receiving a signal on one band and then retransmitting it on another band. The radio acts as a relay station, receiving the signal on one frequency and transmitting it on a different frequency. This allows users to communicate with other operators who are using different frequency bands or even different types of radios.

When the cross-band repeat function is activated, the IC 2720H will automatically switch between the receive and transmit frequencies, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted communication. This feature is easy to use and can be activated with a simple press of a button.

Benefits of Cross-Band Repeat Capability

The Cross-Band Repeat Capability of the Icom IC 2720H offers several benefits to radio operators:

1. Extended Communication Range: By retransmitting signals on different bands, the IC 2720H allows users to extend their communication range. This is particularly useful in situations where there are obstacles such as mountains, buildings, or dense vegetation that may block the signal.

2. Interoperability: The cross-band repeat function enables communication between operators using different frequency bands or different types of radios. This promotes interoperability and ensures that everyone can stay connected and communicate effectively.

3. Emergency Communication: In emergency situations, the cross-band repeat capability is invaluable. It allows operators to relay important information across different bands, ensuring that everyone involved in the operation stays informed and coordinated.

4. Versatility: The IC 2720H’s cross-band repeat capability adds versatility to the radio, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether it’s for amateur radio use, public safety, or commercial operations, this feature enhances the radio’s functionality and usefulness.

50 Watts of Power

The Icom IC 2720H is equipped with a powerful 50-watt transmitter, allowing for clear and reliable communication over long distances. Whether you are using the radio for personal or professional purposes, the high power output ensures that your signal will be heard loud and clear.

With 50 watts of power, you can easily reach other stations even in challenging environments such as densely populated urban areas or remote rural locations. This makes the IC 2720H an ideal choice for emergency communication, outdoor adventures, or any situation where reliable communication is crucial.

In addition to the high power output, the IC 2720H also features a built-in CTCSS and DTCS encoder/decoder. This allows you to encode and decode sub-audible tones, which can be used for selective calling or accessing repeaters. The encoder/decoder ensures that only authorized users can access your communication channel, providing an extra layer of security.

Furthermore, the IC 2720H offers multiple scan functions, including priority scan, memory scan, and dual watch. These scan functions allow you to monitor multiple channels simultaneously, ensuring that you don’t miss any important transmissions. Whether you are scanning for emergency channels, monitoring a specific frequency, or keeping an ear on multiple channels, the IC 2720H has you covered.

Overall, the Icom IC 2720H’s 50 watts of power, combined with its advanced features and reliable performance, make it a top choice for amateur radio enthusiasts, emergency responders, and anyone in need of a high-quality dual-band transceiver. With positive feedback from users and a reputation for durability and performance, the IC 2720H is a radio that you can rely on in any situation.

Built-in CTCSS and DTCS Encoder/Decoder

The Icom IC 2720H is equipped with a built-in CTCSS (Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System) and DTCS (Digital Tone Code Squelch) encoder/decoder. This feature allows for selective calling and quieting of unwanted signals, ensuring clear and interference-free communication.

CTCSS is a sub-audible tone that is transmitted along with the voice signal. The receiver is programmed to only open the squelch when it detects the correct CTCSS tone, effectively blocking out other signals that do not have the matching tone. This is especially useful in areas with heavy radio traffic, as it helps to reduce interference from other users on the same frequency.

DTCS, on the other hand, is a digital tone code that is used to achieve the same purpose as CTCSS. It provides a more secure and reliable method of selective calling and squelching, as it is less susceptible to false triggering from noise or other signals.

The built-in CTCSS and DTCS encoder/decoder in the Icom IC 2720H allows for easy programming and selection of tones. Users can choose from a wide range of tones to ensure compatibility with other radios and systems. The encoder/decoder can also be set to transmit and receive different tones, allowing for more advanced communication options.

Overall, the built-in CTCSS and DTCS encoder/decoder in the Icom IC 2720H enhances the versatility and functionality of the radio. It provides users with the ability to communicate clearly and selectively, even in busy radio environments. Whether you are using the radio for personal or professional purposes, this feature ensures that your communication remains clear and uninterrupted.

Multiple Scan Functions

Multiple Scan Functions

The Icom IC 2720H is equipped with multiple scan functions, making it a versatile and efficient radio for communication purposes. These scan functions allow users to monitor multiple frequencies simultaneously, ensuring that no important transmissions are missed.

In addition to the memory scan function, the IC 2720H also features a priority scan function. This function allows users to designate a specific frequency as a priority channel, which the radio will continuously monitor while scanning other frequencies. This ensures that important transmissions on the priority channel are never missed, even if other frequencies are being scanned.

Another useful scan function of the IC 2720H is the dual watch function. This function allows users to monitor two different frequencies simultaneously, with one frequency being monitored on the main display and the other on the sub-display. This is particularly beneficial for users who need to monitor multiple frequencies at the same time, such as amateur radio operators or public safety personnel.

Furthermore, the IC 2720H also offers a skip scan function. This function allows users to skip certain frequencies during the scanning process, ensuring that only relevant frequencies are monitored. This can be particularly useful in busy radio environments where there may be a lot of unnecessary or irrelevant transmissions.

DTMF Memory Channels

The Icom IC 2720H is equipped with DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) memory channels, which allow you to store and quickly access frequently used frequencies or functions. This feature is particularly useful for amateur radio operators who need to access specific frequencies or perform certain functions regularly.

With the DTMF memory channels, you can assign a specific DTMF code to a frequency or function and store it in the radio’s memory. This code can then be easily accessed by pressing a single button on the radio’s keypad, allowing for quick and convenient operation.

Easy Programming and Access

Programming the DTMF memory channels is a straightforward process. Simply enter the desired frequency or function, assign a DTMF code to it, and save it in the radio’s memory. Once programmed, you can easily access the stored frequency or function by pressing the corresponding DTMF code on the radio’s keypad.

This feature is especially useful for amateur radio operators who frequently communicate with specific individuals or groups. By assigning a DTMF code to a particular frequency or function, you can quickly establish contact without having to manually enter the frequency each time.

Enhanced Efficiency and Convenience

The DTMF memory channels on the Icom IC 2720H enhance efficiency and convenience in various scenarios. For example, during emergency situations or public service events, where quick and reliable communication is crucial, the DTMF memory channels allow for rapid access to predefined frequencies or functions.

Furthermore, the DTMF memory channels can be used to store commonly used repeater frequencies or autopatch codes, eliminating the need to manually enter them each time. This saves time and effort, especially when operating in areas with a high volume of repeater activity.


The DTMF memory channels on the Icom IC 2720H provide amateur radio operators with a convenient and efficient way to store and access frequently used frequencies or functions. With easy programming and quick access, this feature enhances the overall user experience and streamlines communication in various situations.

DTMF Memory Channels

The Icom IC 2720H is equipped with DTMF memory channels, which allow users to store and quickly access frequently used frequencies or settings. This feature is particularly useful for amateur radio operators who need to switch between different frequencies or settings on a regular basis.

With DTMF memory channels, users can assign a specific frequency or setting to a designated memory channel. This makes it easy to recall and activate the desired frequency or setting with just a press of a button. It eliminates the need to manually input the frequency or setting each time, saving time and effort.

Convenient and Efficient

The DTMF memory channels on the Icom IC 2720H provide a convenient and efficient way to manage and access frequently used frequencies or settings. Users can assign different frequencies or settings to different memory channels, allowing for quick and easy switching between them.

For example, a user can assign a specific frequency to memory channel 1, a different frequency to memory channel 2, and so on. When they need to switch between these frequencies, they can simply press the corresponding memory channel button, eliminating the need to manually input the frequency each time.

Customizable and Versatile

Customizable and Versatile

The DTMF memory channels on the Icom IC 2720H are highly customizable and versatile. Users can assign not only frequencies but also other settings, such as squelch levels, power levels, and tone settings, to the memory channels.

This allows for a wide range of applications and scenarios. For example, a user can assign a specific power level and tone setting to a memory channel for a specific repeater or frequency. When they need to access that repeater or frequency, they can simply press the corresponding memory channel button, and the radio will automatically adjust to the pre-set power level and tone setting.


The DTMF memory channels on the Icom IC 2720H provide a convenient, efficient, and customizable way to manage and access frequently used frequencies or settings. Whether you are an amateur radio operator or a professional user, this feature will greatly enhance your radio communication experience.

Remote Control Capability

The Icom IC 2720H is equipped with a remote control capability, allowing users to operate the radio from a distance. This feature is particularly useful for those who need to control the radio in a different location or for those who prefer to operate the radio from the comfort of their own seat.

With the remote control capability, users can easily adjust the settings, change frequencies, and access various functions of the radio without having to physically be near the device. This not only provides convenience but also enhances the overall user experience.

Whether you are using the Icom IC 2720H for personal or professional purposes, the remote control capability ensures that you have full control over the radio at all times. This feature is especially beneficial for those who use the radio in a vehicle or in a fixed location where accessing the device directly may not be practical or safe.

Additionally, the remote control capability of the Icom IC 2720H allows for seamless integration with other communication systems or devices. Users can easily connect the radio to a computer, smartphone, or other compatible devices, enabling them to control the radio remotely and take advantage of additional features and functionalities.

Overall, the remote control capability of the Icom IC 2720H adds a new level of convenience and flexibility to the user experience. Whether you are a radio enthusiast, a professional user, or someone who simply wants to stay connected, this feature ensures that you can operate the radio efficiently and effortlessly from a distance.

Positive Feedback from Users

Users of the Icom IC 2720H have been extremely satisfied with its performance and features. Many have praised its dual band operation, allowing them to communicate on both VHF and UHF frequencies. They have found the wide frequency coverage to be very useful, as it allows them to access a wide range of channels.

The cross-band repeat capability has also received positive feedback, as it enables users to extend the range of their communication by using a repeater. The 50 watts of power provided by this radio has been appreciated by users, as it allows for clear and strong transmissions.

The built-in CTCSS and DTCS encoder/decoder has been praised for its ability to eliminate unwanted noise and interference. Users have found this feature to be especially useful in crowded areas where there may be a lot of radio traffic.

The weather alert function has been highly appreciated by users who live in areas prone to severe weather. They have found this feature to be reliable and helpful in keeping them informed about any potential weather hazards.

DTMF memory channels have also received positive feedback. Users have found this feature to be convenient, as it allows them to quickly access frequently used channels without having to manually enter the frequency each time.

Remote control capability has been praised by users who use their radio in a vehicle or in a fixed location. They have found this feature to be convenient, as it allows them to control the radio from a distance without having to physically interact with it.

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