Heathkit sb 200 – the Legendary Amplifier

Heathkit sb 200

The Heathkit sb 200 is a legendary piece of equipment in the world of amateur radio. Designed and manufactured by the renowned electronics company Heathkit, the sb 200 has been a staple in ham radio stations for decades. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about this classic linear amplifier.

One of the standout features of the sb 200 is its robust construction. Built with high-quality components and a sturdy chassis, this amplifier is designed to withstand the rigors of long hours of operation. Whether you’re a seasoned ham radio operator or just starting out, the sb 200 will provide you with reliable performance that you can count on.

With a power output of up to 600 watts, the sb 200 is capable of amplifying your signal to reach far and wide. This amplifier covers the HF bands, making it suitable for a wide range of amateur radio activities. Whether you’re into DXing, contesting, or just ragchewing with fellow hams, the sb 200 will give you the power you need to make your signal heard.

Not only does the sb 200 deliver impressive power, but it also features a range of controls and features that allow you to fine-tune your signal. The front panel of the amplifier includes controls for input tuning, loading, and plate tuning, giving you precise control over your signal. Additionally, the sb 200 is equipped with a built-in meter that allows you to monitor your output power and SWR.

What is the Heathkit sb 200?

The Heathkit sb 200 is a classic amateur radio linear amplifier that has gained popularity among amateur radio operators for its exceptional performance and reliability. It was first introduced in the 1970s by Heathkit, a renowned manufacturer of amateur radio equipment.

The sb 200 is a solid-state amplifier designed to enhance the power output of amateur radio transceivers. It is capable of operating on multiple bands and provides a significant boost in signal strength, allowing operators to communicate over long distances with greater clarity.

Furthermore, the sb 200 offers a range of features that enhance its usability. It has a built-in power supply, eliminating the need for an external power source. It also includes a cooling fan to prevent overheating during prolonged use. The amplifier is designed with user-friendly controls and indicators, making it easy to operate and monitor.

Overall, the Heathkit sb 200 is highly regarded in the amateur radio community for its exceptional performance, reliability, and user-friendly design. It continues to be a popular choice among operators who require a high-quality amplifier to enhance their communication capabilities.

Why is the Heathkit sb 200 popular among amateur radio operators?


One of the main reasons why the Heathkit sb 200 is popular is its reliability. It is known for its sturdy construction and high-quality components. The amplifier is built to last and can withstand the rigors of regular use. This reliability gives operators peace of mind, knowing that their equipment will perform consistently and without issues.

Power Output

The Heathkit sb 200 is capable of delivering a significant amount of power. It has a power output of up to 1200 watts, which makes it suitable for long-distance communication and DXing. The high power output allows operators to reach distant stations and overcome challenging propagation conditions.

Tube Lineup

Ease of Use

The Heathkit sb 200 is designed to be user-friendly and easy to operate. It features a simple control layout and intuitive interface. The amplifier has a built-in meter that provides important information such as plate current and grid current. This makes it easy for operators to monitor and adjust the amplifier’s performance.


The Heathkit sb 200 is a classic amateur radio linear amplifier that offers a range of impressive features for amateur radio operators. These features contribute to its popularity and make it a reliable and versatile amplifier for various applications.

1. Power output

The Heathkit sb 200 is capable of delivering a maximum power output of 1200 watts. This high power output allows for long-distance communication and ensures clear and strong signals.

2. Tube lineup

3. Input and output impedance

The input impedance of the Heathkit sb 200 is 50 ohms, making it compatible with most transceivers and antennas. The output impedance is also 50 ohms, ensuring efficient power transfer to the antenna.

4. Reliability

Heathkit is renowned for producing high-quality and reliable equipment, and the sb 200 is no exception. The amplifier is built with robust components and designed to withstand long hours of operation without overheating or malfunctioning.

5. Operation

The Heathkit sb 200 is easy to operate, thanks to its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls. It features a front panel with clearly labeled knobs and switches for adjusting power levels, tuning, and monitoring performance.

6. How to tune the Heathkit sb 200

Tuning the amplifier is a straightforward process. The sb 200 includes a built-in tuning indicator that helps operators achieve optimal tuning for maximum power output and efficiency. By following the provided instructions and monitoring the meter readings, users can easily tune the amplifier to their desired settings.

7. Using the Heathkit sb 200 with different transceivers

The sb 200 is compatible with a wide range of transceivers, allowing operators to use it with their preferred radio equipment. It can be seamlessly integrated into existing amateur radio setups without any compatibility issues.

8. Maintenance

Maintaining the Heathkit sb 200 is relatively simple. Regular cleaning and dusting of the amplifier’s exterior help prevent dust buildup and ensure optimal performance. Additionally, periodically checking and adjusting the bias and replacing tubes when necessary are essential for maintaining the amplifier’s reliability and efficiency.

Power output

The power output of the Heathkit sb 200 is one of its key features that make it popular among amateur radio operators. This linear amplifier is capable of delivering a maximum power output of 1200 watts, which is quite impressive for its time. With this level of power, operators can easily reach long distances and communicate with other radio enthusiasts around the world.

The power output of the sb 200 can be adjusted using the front panel controls. The amplifier has a power output control knob that allows operators to set the desired power level. This flexibility is useful in various situations, such as when operating in different frequency bands or when trying to reach a specific target distance.

Benefits of high power output

Having a high power output is advantageous for amateur radio operators for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for better signal propagation, especially in challenging conditions or when communicating over long distances. The increased power helps to overcome obstacles and interference, resulting in clearer and more reliable communication.

Secondly, a high power output enables operators to reach weak or distant stations that may not be accessible with lower power amplifiers. This is particularly useful for DXing (long-distance communication) and contesting, where operators aim to make contacts with as many stations as possible.

Lastly, a high power output provides a sense of confidence and satisfaction to operators. It allows them to experiment with different operating techniques and push the limits of their equipment. The sb 200’s power output capability opens up new possibilities and challenges for amateur radio enthusiasts, making it a sought-after amplifier in the community.

Tube lineup

The Heathkit sb 200 linear amplifier is known for its reliable and powerful performance, and its tube lineup is a key factor in achieving this. The amplifier features a total of three tubes, each serving a specific purpose in the amplification process.

  • 1. 572B: This tube is responsible for the final amplification stage and is capable of delivering high power output. It is a durable and long-lasting tube that can handle the demands of continuous operation.

The combination of these three tubes in the Heathkit sb 200 linear amplifier ensures efficient and reliable amplification of the input signal, resulting in a powerful output signal that can reach long distances. The tube lineup is carefully designed to provide optimal performance and longevity, making the Heathkit sb 200 a popular choice among amateur radio operators.

Input and output impedance

The input and output impedance of the Heathkit sb 200 is an important consideration for amateur radio operators. The input impedance refers to the resistance that the amplifier presents to the signal coming from the transceiver. It is crucial for the amplifier to have a high input impedance in order to minimize signal loss and ensure efficient power transfer.

The Heathkit sb 200 is designed with a high input impedance of 50 ohms, which is the standard impedance for most transceivers. This allows for easy integration with various transceivers without the need for additional impedance matching devices.

For the output impedance, the Heathkit sb 200 has a low impedance of 50 ohms, which matches the impedance of most antennas. This ensures efficient power transfer and minimizes signal loss.

Impedance matching

Impedance matching is an important concept in amateur radio. It involves adjusting the impedance of the amplifier to match the impedance of the transceiver and the antenna. This is done to ensure maximum power transfer and minimize signal loss.

The Heathkit sb 200 is designed with a built-in antenna tuner that allows for easy impedance matching. The tuner can be adjusted to match the impedance of the antenna, ensuring efficient power transfer and minimizing signal loss.


The input and output impedance of the Heathkit sb 200 is designed to provide efficient power transfer and minimize signal loss. With a high input impedance of 50 ohms and a low output impedance of 50 ohms, the amplifier is compatible with most transceivers and antennas. The built-in antenna tuner allows for easy impedance matching, ensuring optimal performance. Amateur radio operators can rely on the Heathkit sb 200 for reliable and efficient amplification of their signals.


The Heathkit sb 200 is known for its exceptional reliability, making it a popular choice among amateur radio operators. This linear amplifier is built to last, with a sturdy construction and high-quality components.

In addition to its durable construction, the Heathkit sb 200 also features a comprehensive set of safety mechanisms. These include built-in protection circuits that prevent damage to the amplifier and connected equipment in the event of a fault or overload. For example, the amplifier is equipped with automatic high-voltage shutdown and overcurrent protection, which help to prevent damage to the tubes and other sensitive components.

Furthermore, the Heathkit sb 200 incorporates a number of design features that enhance its reliability. For instance, the amplifier utilizes a forced-air cooling system, which helps to dissipate heat and keep the internal components operating within their specified temperature range. This cooling system is designed to be efficient and reliable, ensuring that the amplifier can operate continuously for extended periods without overheating.

Overall, the Heathkit sb 200 is renowned for its reliability in the amateur radio community. Whether used for casual operation or in demanding contesting environments, this linear amplifier delivers consistent performance and dependable operation.


Operating the Heathkit sb 200 is a straightforward process that requires proper tuning and monitoring of the meter readings. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to operate the amplifier:

Step 1: Powering On

Before turning on the amplifier, ensure that all connections are properly made and the antenna is connected. Once everything is set, turn on the power switch located on the front panel of the sb 200.

Step 2: Standby Mode

Step 3: Tune and Load Controls

Once the standby mode is complete, it is time to tune the amplifier. Start by adjusting the Tune and Load controls located on the front panel. The Tune control adjusts the input matching network, while the Load control adjusts the output matching network. These controls need to be adjusted for maximum power output and minimum reflected power.

Step 4: Meter Readings

Monitor the meter readings on the front panel of the sb 200. The plate current meter should be set to the desired value, typically around 500 mA. The grid current meter should be set to zero or a low value. These readings indicate the proper functioning of the amplifier.

Step 5: Transmitting

Once the amplifier is properly tuned and the meter readings are within the desired range, it is ready for transmitting. Key the transmitter and start transmitting. Monitor the meter readings during transmission to ensure that the amplifier is operating within the specified limits.

Step 6: Power Off

By following these steps, operators can effectively operate the Heathkit sb 200 and enjoy its reliable performance and power output.

How to tune the Heathkit sb 200

Tuning the Heathkit sb 200 is an essential step to ensure optimal performance and prevent damage to the amplifier. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to tune the sb 200:

1. Power on the amplifier: Make sure the amplifier is properly connected to a power source and turn it on. Allow the amplifier to warm up for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step.

3. Set the plate and load controls: Set the plate and load controls to their minimum positions. This will ensure that the amplifier is not transmitting any power while tuning.

4. Key the transceiver: Key the transceiver to transmit a carrier signal. Make sure the amplifier is in standby mode.

5. Adjust the plate control: Slowly increase the plate control while monitoring the plate current meter. Stop increasing the plate control when the plate current reaches the desired value. This value can be found in the amplifier’s manual or by consulting the manufacturer’s specifications.

6. Adjust the load control: Slowly increase the load control while monitoring the plate current meter. Stop increasing the load control when the plate current starts to decrease. This indicates that the load is properly matched to the amplifier.

7. Adjust the tuning control: Slowly rotate the tuning control while monitoring the plate current meter. Stop rotating the tuning control when the plate current reaches its peak value. This indicates that the amplifier is properly tuned for maximum power output.

8. Check the SWR: Use an SWR meter to check the standing wave ratio of the amplifier. A high SWR can indicate a mismatch between the amplifier and the antenna. Adjust the antenna tuner or antenna length to achieve a lower SWR.

9. Monitor the amplifier: Once the tuning process is complete, monitor the amplifier for any signs of overheating or abnormal behavior. If any issues are detected, immediately turn off the amplifier and consult the manufacturer’s manual or seek professional assistance.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and exercise caution when tuning the Heathkit sb 200. Improper tuning can result in damage to the amplifier or other equipment.

The meter has three main sections: the output power scale, the input power scale, and the SWR scale. Each scale is marked with different values and units to indicate the corresponding measurement.

The output power scale is used to measure the amplifier’s output power in watts. It typically ranges from 0 to the maximum power output of the sb 200, which is around 600-700 watts. The scale is divided into smaller increments, allowing for precise power readings. By monitoring the output power, you can ensure that the amplifier is operating within its intended power range.

The SWR scale is used to measure the Standing Wave Ratio, which indicates the efficiency of the antenna system. A high SWR can result in power loss and potential damage to the amplifier. The scale is marked with values ranging from 1 to 3, with 1 being the ideal SWR. By monitoring the SWR, you can make adjustments to the antenna system to achieve optimal performance.

Using the Heathkit sb 200 with different transceivers

The Heathkit sb 200 is a versatile linear amplifier that can be used with a variety of transceivers. Its compatibility with different transceivers makes it a popular choice among amateur radio operators. Here are some tips for using the Heathkit sb 200 with different transceivers:

  • Before connecting the sb 200 to a transceiver, make sure to read the transceiver’s manual to understand its power output and impedance requirements.
  • Connect the transceiver’s RF output to the sb 200’s input using a coaxial cable. Make sure to use a cable with the appropriate connectors for both the transceiver and the amplifier.
  • Set the transceiver’s output power to a level that is compatible with the sb 200. The sb 200 is designed to handle up to 1,200 watts of power, so make sure not to exceed this limit.
  • Adjust the sb 200’s input and output impedance to match the transceiver’s requirements. This can be done using the impedance matching controls on the amplifier.
  • Once the sb 200 is connected to the transceiver, turn on the amplifier and the transceiver. Make sure to follow the proper startup sequence as outlined in the sb 200’s manual.
  • Monitor the sb 200’s meter readings to ensure that the amplifier is operating within its normal range. Adjust the amplifier’s controls as necessary to maintain proper operation.
  • If you experience any issues or abnormalities while using the sb 200 with a transceiver, consult the amplifier’s manual for troubleshooting tips. You can also reach out to other amateur radio operators or online forums for assistance.

By following these tips, you can effectively use the Heathkit sb 200 with different transceivers and enjoy its reliable performance and power amplification capabilities.


Maintenance is an essential aspect of keeping your Heathkit sb 200 in optimal condition. Regular cleaning and dusting of the amplifier is necessary to prevent the buildup of dirt and debris that can affect its performance.

When cleaning the interior of the amplifier, take extra care to avoid touching any electrical components. Use compressed air or a small vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove any dust or debris from the circuit boards and other internal parts.

It is also important to regularly check and replace the tubes in your Heathkit sb 200. Over time, the tubes can wear out or become damaged, which can affect the amplifier’s performance. To replace the tubes, first, make sure the amplifier is unplugged and has had time to cool down. Then, carefully remove the old tubes by gently twisting them counterclockwise. Insert the new tubes by aligning the pins with the corresponding sockets and twisting them clockwise until they are securely in place.

Additionally, it is recommended to periodically check and adjust the bias of the amplifier. The bias controls the amount of current flowing through the tubes and affects their performance. To check the bias, you will need a multimeter and a bias probe. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the bias probe to the amplifier and measure the bias voltage. Adjust the bias controls as needed to achieve the desired voltage.

Regular maintenance of your Heathkit sb 200 will ensure that it continues to operate at its best and provide reliable performance for years to come.

Cleaning and dusting

Keeping your Heathkit sb 200 amplifier clean and free from dust is essential for its proper functioning and longevity. Regular cleaning and dusting not only improve the overall performance of the amplifier but also prevent any potential damage caused by dust accumulation.

To clean the amplifier, start by turning off the power and unplugging it from the power source. Use a soft, lint-free cloth or a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the exterior surfaces of the amplifier. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that can damage the finish or components of the amplifier.

For more thorough cleaning, you can remove the top cover of the amplifier. Refer to the user manual for instructions on how to safely remove the cover. Once the cover is removed, use a soft brush or compressed air to remove any dust or debris from the internal components. Take extra care when cleaning around the tubes and other sensitive parts.

After cleaning, make sure to properly secure the top cover back in place before reconnecting the amplifier to the power source. Double-check that all connections are secure and that there are no loose or damaged wires.

Regularly cleaning and dusting your Heathkit sb 200 amplifier will not only keep it looking good but also ensure optimal performance and longevity. Make it a part of your routine maintenance to keep your amplifier in top shape for years to come.

Replacing tubes

One important aspect of maintaining the Heathkit sb 200 amplifier is regularly checking and replacing the tubes. Over time, the tubes can wear out or become faulty, which can affect the performance of the amplifier. Replacing the tubes is a relatively simple process that can be done by following these steps:

Step 1: Power off and unplug the amplifier

Before replacing the tubes, it is crucial to turn off the amplifier and unplug it from the power source. This ensures your safety and prevents any damage to the amplifier.

Step 2: Remove the amplifier cover

Using a screwdriver, carefully remove the screws that hold the amplifier cover in place. Once the screws are removed, gently lift off the cover to expose the internal components of the amplifier.

Step 3: Locate the tubes

Inside the amplifier, you will find the tubes mounted on a socket board. The Heathkit sb 200 typically uses two 3-500Z tubes. These tubes are responsible for amplifying the signal and providing the necessary power output.

Step 4: Remove the old tubes

To remove the old tubes, gently grasp them at the base and twist them counterclockwise. This will loosen the tubes from the socket. Once loose, carefully pull the tubes out of the socket, taking care not to damage the pins or any other components.

Step 5: Install the new tubes

Take the new tubes and align the pins with the socket. Insert the tubes into the socket and twist them clockwise to secure them in place. Ensure that the tubes are firmly seated in the socket to ensure proper contact.

Step 6: Replace the amplifier cover

Once the new tubes are installed, carefully place the amplifier cover back onto the chassis. Align the screw holes and use the screwdriver to tighten the screws, securing the cover in place.

Step 7: Power on and test

After replacing the tubes, you can now power on the amplifier and test its functionality. Monitor the meter readings and ensure that the amplifier is operating within the desired parameters.

By regularly replacing the tubes in your Heathkit sb 200 amplifier, you can ensure optimal performance and prolong the lifespan of the amplifier. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for tube replacement and consult a professional if you are unsure about any aspect of the process.

Checking and adjusting the bias

Checking and adjusting the bias is an important step in maintaining the performance and longevity of the Heathkit sb 200 amplifier. The bias controls the current flowing through the tubes, ensuring they operate within their specified parameters.

To check the bias, you will need a multimeter capable of measuring DC voltage. Start by turning off the amplifier and disconnecting it from the power source. Locate the bias test points on the amplifier circuit board, usually labeled as “BIAS” or “IDLE CURRENT.”

Connect the negative lead of the multimeter to the ground, and the positive lead to the bias test point. Turn on the amplifier and let it warm up for a few minutes. The multimeter should now display the bias voltage.

Compare the measured voltage with the recommended bias voltage specified in the amplifier’s manual. If the measured voltage is higher than the recommended value, the tubes are biased too hot, which can lead to premature tube failure. If the measured voltage is lower than the recommended value, the tubes are biased too cold, resulting in reduced output power.

To adjust the bias, locate the bias adjustment potentiometer on the amplifier circuit board. Use a small screwdriver to turn the potentiometer clockwise to increase bias or counterclockwise to decrease bias. Make small adjustments and recheck the bias voltage until it matches the recommended value.

Regularly checking and adjusting the bias of the Heathkit sb 200 amplifier will ensure optimal performance and prolong the life of the tubes. It is recommended to perform this procedure periodically, especially after replacing tubes or making any modifications to the amplifier.

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