Icom IC-775DSP – A Powerful Transceiver for Amateur Radio Enthusiasts

Icom ic 775dsp

The Icom IC 775DSP is a high-performance amateur radio transceiver that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. With its advanced digital signal processing technology, this radio provides exceptional performance and clarity in both transmit and receive modes. Whether you are a seasoned ham radio operator or just starting out, the IC 775DSP is sure to impress with its powerful features and reliable performance.

One of the standout features of the IC 775DSP is its built-in digital signal processing (DSP) capabilities. This technology allows for real-time filtering and noise reduction, resulting in clear and crisp audio quality. The DSP also provides advanced features such as automatic notch filtering and adjustable noise reduction levels, giving you complete control over your audio experience.

In addition to its DSP capabilities, the IC 775DSP boasts a wide range of specifications that make it a top choice for amateur radio enthusiasts. It operates on all HF amateur bands, from 160 meters to 10 meters, and offers a power output of up to 200 watts. The radio also features a large, easy-to-read display, intuitive controls, and a durable construction that is built to withstand the rigors of field use.

Reviews of the IC 775DSP have been overwhelmingly positive, with users praising its exceptional performance, ease of use, and robust feature set. Many users have noted the radio’s excellent receive sensitivity and selectivity, which allows for clear reception even in crowded band conditions. Others have praised the radio’s intuitive menu system and ergonomic design, which make it easy to navigate and operate.

Icom IC 775DSP: Overview and Key Features

The Icom IC 775DSP is a high-performance amateur radio transceiver that offers advanced digital signal processing capabilities. It is designed to provide exceptional performance and reliability for amateur radio operators.

Another notable feature of the IC 775DSP is its wide frequency coverage. It covers a wide range of frequencies, from 0.03 to 60 MHz, allowing for the reception and transmission of signals across a variety of amateur radio bands. This wide frequency coverage makes the IC 775DSP a versatile transceiver that can be used for a wide range of amateur radio activities.

The IC 775DSP also includes a built-in antenna tuner, which allows for easy and efficient tuning of the antenna system. This feature ensures that the transceiver is always operating at maximum efficiency, resulting in optimal signal transmission and reception.

In addition, the IC 775DSP offers a dual watch function, which allows for the monitoring of two different frequencies simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for amateur radio operators who need to monitor multiple frequencies or who want to listen to two different conversations at the same time.

The IC 775DSP also incorporates noise reduction technology, which helps to minimize background noise and interference. This technology improves the overall signal quality and makes it easier to hear and understand incoming signals.

Furthermore, the IC 775DSP provides multiple filter options, allowing for the customization of the receiver’s bandwidth. This feature enables the user to select the optimal filter settings for the specific operating conditions, resulting in improved signal reception and reduced interference.

The IC 775DSP is equipped with a large color display, which provides clear and easy-to-read information. The display shows various parameters and settings, such as frequency, signal strength, and operating mode, allowing for quick and convenient operation.

Additionally, the IC 775DSP has remote control capability, which allows for remote operation and control of the transceiver. This feature is particularly useful for amateur radio operators who want to operate the transceiver from a different location or who want to control multiple transceivers simultaneously.

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

The Icom IC 775DSP is equipped with advanced digital signal processing technology, which allows for superior performance and enhanced audio quality. This technology enables the receiver to effectively filter out unwanted noise and interference, resulting in clear and crisp audio signals.

With the advanced digital signal processing capabilities of the IC 775DSP, users can enjoy improved signal-to-noise ratio, reduced distortion, and enhanced dynamic range. This means that even weak signals can be received and decoded with greater accuracy and clarity.

Furthermore, the digital signal processing technology in the IC 775DSP provides various filtering options, allowing users to customize their listening experience. The receiver offers multiple filter settings, including adjustable bandwidth and notch filters, which can be easily adjusted to optimize reception for different types of signals and operating conditions.

Whether you are a casual listener or a seasoned amateur radio operator, the advanced digital signal processing technology of the Icom IC 775DSP will greatly enhance your listening experience. You will be able to enjoy crystal-clear audio, free from unwanted noise and interference, and have the flexibility to customize the receiver’s performance to suit your specific needs.

High Performance Receiver

The Icom IC 775DSP is equipped with a high-performance receiver that allows for exceptional signal reception and clarity. Whether you are a seasoned amateur radio operator or a beginner, this receiver will impress you with its superior performance.

With its advanced digital signal processing technology, the IC 775DSP can effectively reduce noise and interference, allowing you to enjoy clear and crisp audio. This is especially useful when operating in crowded or noisy environments.

The wide frequency coverage of the IC 775DSP ensures that you can tune into a wide range of frequencies, from longwave to shortwave. Whether you are interested in listening to AM, FM, or SSB signals, this receiver has you covered.

One of the standout features of the IC 775DSP is its built-in antenna tuner. This allows you to easily match your antenna to the desired frequency, ensuring optimal performance and signal strength.

The dual watch function of the IC 775DSP allows you to monitor two different frequencies simultaneously. This is particularly useful when you want to keep an eye on a specific frequency while still being able to listen to other signals.

Thanks to its noise reduction technology, the IC 775DSP is able to minimize background noise and interference, allowing you to focus on the signals you want to hear. This is especially beneficial when trying to pick up weak or distant signals.

The IC 775DSP offers multiple filter options, allowing you to customize the receiver’s settings to suit your preferences. Whether you prefer a narrow or wide filter, you can easily adjust it to enhance the clarity and intelligibility of the received signals.

The large color display of the IC 775DSP provides a clear and easy-to-read interface. With its intuitive layout and user-friendly controls, navigating through the receiver’s settings and functions is a breeze.

Another great feature of the IC 775DSP is its remote control capability. With the optional remote control unit, you can operate the receiver from a distance, making it convenient and hassle-free to adjust settings or switch between frequencies.

Overall, the Icom IC 775DSP is a high-performance receiver that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. Whether you are a casual listener or a dedicated amateur radio operator, this receiver will exceed your expectations with its exceptional performance and user-friendly design.

Wide Frequency Coverage

The Icom IC 775DSP is a high-performance transceiver that offers wide frequency coverage, allowing you to tune into a wide range of frequencies. Whether you’re interested in amateur radio, shortwave listening, or even monitoring air traffic control, the IC 775DSP has you covered.

With a frequency range of 0.03 to 60 MHz, this transceiver can receive signals from a variety of sources. It supports all amateur radio bands, including HF, VHF, and UHF, as well as AM, FM, SSB, and CW modes. This means you can listen to your favorite ham radio operators, tune into local FM stations, or even monitor emergency services.

Not only does the IC 775DSP have wide frequency coverage, but it also has excellent sensitivity and selectivity. Its high-performance receiver can pick up weak signals with ease, allowing you to hear distant stations and weak signals that other radios might miss.

Key Features:

  • Frequency range: 0.03 to 60 MHz
  • Supports all amateur radio bands
  • AM, FM, SSB, and CW modes
  • High-performance receiver
  • Excellent sensitivity and selectivity

Whether you’re a seasoned radio enthusiast or just starting out, the Icom IC 775DSP with its wide frequency coverage is a great choice. Its advanced features and excellent performance make it a versatile transceiver that can meet all your radio listening needs.

Built-in Antenna Tuner

The Icom IC 775DSP is equipped with a built-in antenna tuner, which is a valuable feature for amateur radio operators. This tuner allows for automatic matching of the antenna impedance to the transmitter output impedance, ensuring maximum power transfer and optimal performance.

With the built-in antenna tuner, users can easily adjust and fine-tune their antenna system without the need for external tuners or additional equipment. This saves time and effort, making the IC 775DSP a convenient and user-friendly option for radio enthusiasts.

The antenna tuner in the IC 775DSP is designed to handle a wide range of antenna types and configurations, including wire antennas, vertical antennas, and dipole antennas. It can match antennas with different impedance values, allowing for flexibility in antenna selection and setup.

Benefits of the Built-in Antenna Tuner

There are several benefits to having a built-in antenna tuner in the IC 775DSP:

  1. Convenience: The built-in tuner eliminates the need for external tuners, reducing clutter and simplifying the setup process. Users can easily adjust their antenna system with the push of a button, saving time and effort.
  2. Optimal Performance: By matching the antenna impedance to the transmitter output impedance, the built-in tuner ensures maximum power transfer and optimal performance. This results in better signal quality and improved overall radio performance.
  3. Flexibility: The tuner is capable of matching a wide range of antenna types and configurations, providing users with flexibility in their antenna selection. This allows for experimentation and customization of the radio setup to suit individual preferences and requirements.
  4. Cost Savings: With the built-in tuner, users do not need to invest in separate external tuners, saving money and resources. This makes the IC 775DSP a cost-effective choice for amateur radio operators.

Overall, the built-in antenna tuner in the Icom IC 775DSP enhances the user experience by providing convenience, optimal performance, flexibility, and cost savings. It is a valuable feature that sets this radio apart from others in its class.

Dual Watch Function

The Icom IC 775DSP is equipped with a unique Dual Watch function that allows you to monitor two different frequencies simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for amateur radio operators who want to keep an eye on multiple channels at once.

This feature is especially beneficial during contests or emergency situations when you need to stay updated on multiple frequencies. Instead of constantly switching between channels, the Dual Watch function enables you to monitor both frequencies without missing any important communications.

The Icom IC 775DSP’s Dual Watch function is easy to use and can be activated with a simple press of a button. The radio’s large color display will show the main and sub-channel frequencies, allowing you to keep track of both channels at a glance.

Whether you are a seasoned amateur radio operator or a beginner, the Dual Watch function of the Icom IC 775DSP will enhance your radio communication experience by providing you with the ability to monitor multiple frequencies simultaneously.

Noise Reduction Technology

The Icom IC 775DSP is equipped with advanced noise reduction technology, allowing users to enjoy clear and crisp communication even in noisy environments. This technology works by analyzing the incoming signal and removing any unwanted noise or interference, resulting in a cleaner and more intelligible audio output.

With the noise reduction technology in the IC 775DSP, users can experience improved signal-to-noise ratio, making it easier to hear weak signals and communicate effectively in challenging conditions. Whether you are operating in a crowded contest or dealing with atmospheric noise, this feature will help enhance your overall communication experience.

In addition to its noise reduction capabilities, the IC 775DSP also offers multiple filter options to further customize the audio output. Users can choose from a range of filter settings to optimize the receiver’s performance based on their specific needs and preferences.

Overall, the noise reduction technology in the Icom IC 775DSP is a valuable feature that enhances the receiver’s performance in noisy environments. With its ability to remove unwanted noise and improve signal clarity, this technology ensures that users can enjoy clear and uninterrupted communication, even in challenging conditions.

Multiple Filter Options

The Icom IC 775DSP offers a wide range of filter options, allowing users to customize their listening experience and improve signal clarity. With multiple filter options, users can select the most suitable filter for their specific needs and preferences.

The adjustable bandwidth filters allow users to control the width of the filter, enabling them to narrow down the bandwidth to focus on a specific frequency range. This feature is particularly useful in crowded band conditions where adjacent signals can cause interference. By narrowing the bandwidth, users can isolate the desired signal and reduce interference from nearby signals.

The notch filters, on the other hand, are designed to eliminate specific frequencies or tones that may be causing interference. These filters work by attenuating the frequency or tone that is causing the interference, allowing users to enjoy a clearer and more enjoyable listening experience.

In addition to the adjustable bandwidth filters and notch filters, the Icom IC 775DSP also offers high-pass and low-pass filters. The high-pass filter allows frequencies above a certain cutoff point to pass through, while attenuating frequencies below that point. Conversely, the low-pass filter allows frequencies below a certain cutoff point to pass through, while attenuating frequencies above that point. These filters are particularly useful in situations where users want to focus on a specific frequency range and eliminate unwanted signals.


The Icom IC 775DSP’s multiple filter options provide users with the flexibility to customize their listening experience and improve signal clarity. Whether it’s adjusting the bandwidth, eliminating specific frequencies, or focusing on a specific frequency range, the multiple filter options of the Icom IC 775DSP ensure that users can enjoy a clear and interference-free listening experience.

Large Color Display

The Icom IC 775DSP is equipped with a large color display that provides users with a clear and detailed view of the radio’s settings and functions. The display is designed to be easy to read, even in bright sunlight or low-light conditions.

The large color display allows users to easily navigate through the radio’s menu options and select the desired settings. It provides a visual representation of the radio’s frequency, mode, and other important information, making it easier for users to operate the radio and make adjustments as needed.

In addition to displaying the radio’s settings, the large color display also provides users with real-time feedback on the radio’s performance. It can display signal strength, modulation, and other important indicators, allowing users to monitor the quality of their transmissions and make any necessary adjustments to optimize performance.

The large color display is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. It adds a modern and professional look to the radio, making it an attractive addition to any amateur radio station or professional communication setup.

Overall, the large color display on the Icom IC 775DSP enhances the user experience by providing a clear and detailed view of the radio’s settings and performance. It is a valuable feature that sets this radio apart from others in its class and makes it a top choice for amateur radio operators and communication professionals.

Remote Control Capability

The Icom IC 775DSP is equipped with a remote control capability, allowing users to control the radio from a distance. This feature is particularly useful for those who have limited mobility or prefer to operate the radio from a different location.

With the remote control capability, users can adjust various settings and functions of the radio without having to be physically present at the radio itself. This includes changing frequencies, adjusting filters, and controlling the built-in antenna tuner.

To utilize the remote control capability, users can connect the radio to a computer or other compatible device using a USB or RS-232C cable. Once connected, they can use software provided by Icom or third-party applications to remotely control the radio.

Benefits of Remote Control Capability

There are several benefits to having remote control capability on the Icom IC 775DSP:

  1. Convenience: Users can operate the radio from a comfortable location, such as a desk or a separate room, without the need to constantly move back and forth to adjust settings.
  2. Flexibility: The remote control capability allows users to experiment with different antenna positions or setups without having to physically interact with the radio.
  3. Accessibility: Individuals with limited mobility can still enjoy the hobby of amateur radio by using the remote control capability to operate the radio.
  4. Multi-User Access: In a shared radio station or club setting, multiple users can take turns operating the radio remotely without the need to physically pass control of the radio.

Setting Up Remote Control

To set up remote control capability on the Icom IC 775DSP, users need to follow these steps:

  1. Connect the radio to a computer or compatible device using a USB or RS-232C cable.
  2. Install the necessary software provided by Icom or a third-party application that supports remote control of the radio.
  3. Configure the software to recognize the radio and establish a connection.
  4. Once the connection is established, users can remotely control the radio through the software interface.


The remote control capability of the Icom IC 775DSP adds a new level of convenience and flexibility to the radio. Whether you have limited mobility, prefer to operate the radio from a different location, or want to experiment with different antenna setups, the remote control capability allows you to do so with ease. With its user-friendly interface and compatibility with various software applications, the Icom IC 775DSP is an excellent choice for those who value remote control functionality in their amateur radio setup.

Positive User Reviews

Users of the Icom IC 775DSP have been overwhelmingly positive in their reviews of this radio. Many users praise its remote control capability, which allows them to operate the radio from a distance using a computer or smartphone. This feature is especially appreciated by those who have limited mobility or who want to operate the radio from a different room.

Another aspect that users love about the Icom IC 775DSP is its large color display. The display is easy to read and provides a wealth of information, including signal strength, frequency, and mode. Users find this display to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through the radio’s various functions and settings.

The built-in antenna tuner is also highly regarded by users. They appreciate the convenience of being able to tune their antenna without the need for an external tuner. The tuner is able to quickly and accurately match the antenna to the desired frequency, resulting in improved signal quality and reduced interference.

Users also praise the noise reduction technology of the Icom IC 775DSP. This technology helps to minimize background noise and interference, allowing for clearer and more enjoyable communication. Users find that this feature greatly enhances their overall radio experience.

Overall, users of the Icom IC 775DSP are extremely satisfied with its performance and features. They appreciate its advanced digital signal processing, high performance receiver, wide frequency coverage, and multiple filter options. The positive user reviews serve as a testament to the quality and reliability of this radio.

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